
Would you like to increase Torah learning in the world?

Your donation enables us to spread Rav Mordechai Gifter's Torah throughout the globe.


No registration or account needed.
Donate with Visa, MasterCard or Discover


You can dedicate your sponsorship l’iluy nishmas a loved one, or simply as an extra zechus.
Sponsor A Day of Learning
$18 /Day
  • Sponsor one full day of learning on this website
  • Your name will be posted at the top of the website on the day you choose.

Sponsor A Shiur
$36 /Shiur
  • Sponsor the conversion and uploading of a shiur from Rav Gifter
  • Your name will be included in the description of the shiur.
Sponsor A Digital Sefer
$180 /Sefer
  • Sponsor the arrangement of a digital sefer of one of Rav Gifter's shmuessen.
  • Your name will be included in the title page of the sefer.
Sponsor A Series of Shiurim
$1,500 /Series
  • Sponsor the conversion and uploading of a complete series of shiurim
  • Your name will be included in each shiur in the series, as well as the series title page.
Sefer Dedication Page
$10,000 /Dedication
  • Be a partial sponsor for one of Rav Gifter's printed sefarim.
  • You will be given a complete dedication page in the new sefer when it is printed.
Dedicate a Sefer
$25,000 /Sefer
  • Sponsor a complete printed sefer from Rav Gifter.
  • Your name will be stamped on the cover of the sefer.


Kollel Ateres Mordechai is constantly working on multiple projects to spread Rav Gifter’s Torah throughout the world. Is there a specific cause you would like to promote? You can specify that your donation should go to one of the projects below:

$5000 RAISED OF $40000

Mili D’Igros #5

Has been completed

No Days left to achieve target

Tizku L'Mitzvos!

Just Published: Nesivos Mordechai Kesubos!