Feb 2018
This sophisticated yet clearly written article by Rav Gifter, zt”l, about Torah law was published in the fall of 1958 in a journal entitled “Law in a Troubled World” by Cleveland College and the Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law at Case Western Reserve University. Please link back to www.kollelateresmordechai.org if you utilize this article in any way. Thank you. We will attempt, within the limited scope of one article, to present a fragmentary concept of that great body of law known as Talmudic Jurisprudence, and in so doing, it will be......
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Feb 2018
Delivered at Telshe by Rosh HaYeshiva Maran HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Gifter, ZT”L on the Holy Shabbos Va’eschonon, 1969 “Beware, lest your heart become allured, and you will stray to serve other gods and prostrate before them.” Devarim 11:16 The Abeyance of Torah Learning Leads to Idol Worship. In explanation of the words “and you will stray,” Rashi quotes from Chazal: “to depart from the Torah, thus serving other gods. For when one strays from the Torah he will then go and attach himself to idol worship.” We find this concept (that departure......
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Feb 2018
Based on an address delivered at national convention of Agudath Israel of America 1988. THE ROLE OF THE JEW IN GOLUS The Jew in Golus: We are all aware that at specific points in history our conduct was unworthy, and as a result, we–the Jewish People–underwent a churban, suffering the destruction of our Beis Hamikdash and exile from our homeland. The prophets had warned us of the consequences of our conduct and tragically their admonitions came true–not once but twice…In fact we are still in the midst of the second golus, yet......
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